Sunday, December 18, 2005

Space Duck

I am not sure where Space Duck came from. The first time I drew him was for a series of comic book ideas I was working on. Since that time his look changed and I gotten to know him a little bit better. Somehow he just slipped into the Imaginary World and sat down and we can't seem to get him to leave. He is not really like my other characters in that he is not a piece of food or an inanimate object. He can be a little obnoxious at times but he is out there being a space hero which is something good I think. In October I pitched him to Disney as part of their amazing shorts program. As part of the pitch I did 17 acrylic paintings and a number of drawings in about 2 weeks. It was an amazing outpouring for me, it usually takes me a couple weeks to get 3-4 paintings done and then can't paint anything for a month. Luckily this material just came out. The short ended up not getting made but it was a great experience and fun to work with Mike and John at Disney. To see the rest of the paintings click here - SPACE DUCK.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow thats nice!
Maybe a strange question but is it possible to make a character like that for me?
I make music and i need a character that fits my name. space type a know.

well youre probably not gonna do this, but hey its worth a shot.