Thursday, January 05, 2006

Hoops & Yoyo

There is little to say about Hoops and Yoyo. They are perfect, their site is perfect and it is amazing that they are not the biggest thing ever. They are funny, musical, cute and sarcastic. Hallmark has done a great job of supporting this creative little corner of the internet. Yea!

Hoops & Yoyo


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I'll bet Hoops & Yoyo like you too!
Also...Love that you had KrazyDad make interactive's of your cereal collection... urge him to do more with FOOD packaging of yours their... I love your collections!

Anonymous said...

Hoops and Yoyo are niiiiiice.

Chris Battle said...

Consider yourself lucky if you grabbed the H&YY plush characters they put out a few years back. (My wife has packed hers away for safe-keeping...)

Anonymous said...

we LOVE hoops and yoyo! they rock!