Chucko the Clown was a local Los Angeles TV show host. This menu is from 1961 and says Gourmet Disneyland on the top. My guess is that it was used at the Disneyland Hotel restaurant. Can you imagine a table of kids all wearing their Chucko masks! Truly a piece of classic clownomobilia.

The menus were issued with eyes and an unpunched example is extremely freaky. I hope Tangaroa enjoys this one!
I have one exactly like this one, except it says "Gales Coffee Shop" . Mine, like the one posted, also had the eyes removed, otherwise it's in extremely good condition. Is it worth anything to anyone? I'm 58 & remember Chucko with his 'Spinning Carousal Cartoon Hat', was the only clown that didn't give me the creeps when I was young.
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