Last night I got to see the new Pee Wee's Playhouse stage show. It was amazing, the set was wonderful, incredible puppetry and the magic that is Pee Wee. It was great to revisit his world that remains the same but was nicely updated so as not to seem just a thing of nostalgia. The kids in the audience loved it.
It also got me thinking about what a huge influence Pee Wee is on my own artwork. He really staked out amazing piece of territory and filled it with amazing characters. It is sad that it was all put on hold for years because of a little speedbump. But hopefully this new show will get it going again and the world of Pee Wee Herman will exist to entertain for many years to come.
Hooray for PeeWee!
(...And I'm so jealous of you--think P will ever make it out to Boston?)
I think he is trying to get HBO to do the show as a special......
Amazing! Glad to hear the show was good and I hope I get to see it even if it's on video. Did he use Hugo, Man of a Thousand Faces? Wait, don't tell me. I always liked that bit in his other special.
We watch Pee-Wee's playhouse on a regular basis. That show introduced audiences to so many amazing things.
I totally agree with your statement too.
Pee Wee rules! I just visited the Cabazon dinosaurs from "Pee Wee's Big Adventure". Awesome!
Saw it last night...amazing and Paul was perfect.
I saw the show a few weeks ago, and had such a great time!
I saw the show the next to last night, made a trip out to LA primarily to go to the show and it delivered. I had tears in my eyes when the curtain went up which I never expected. I hope he takes this on the road so I can see it again!!
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