$5 + shipping. Avaliable in my Etsy store.
things that I collect, things that I make and things that I like.
Mr Toast has an appearance in the new issue of Bitch Slap magazine. BS is a skate/snowboard/surf magazine from Europe. Thanks to the wonderful internet we can view it online but a little warning the magazine contains some intense imagery....
Well I hung out at the Saturation Fest yesturday and it was quite fun. It is really nice to see a local art scene in full effect with random performance art, bike jousting, artwork hung on every surface and bands, bands and more bands. Made a few new Mr Toast fans and met a few that have known about him for quite a while. I got to meet Dave, who does 3D lenticular pictures (more on that later) and Melina Mena who does the great mini comic Sour Milk Sea.
And my art was in the basement!
Today at 3 PM on KNBC channel 4 in Los Angeles, Mr Toast should have a little appearance. The show Your LA will be talking about the Saturation Fest in Riverside and Mr Toast should be getting a little air time.
Also tonight is the art opening at Back to the Grind with some of my Circus Banners and Suitcases. I wont be able to make it but I will be there tomorrow from 12-6 pm.
As part of the Saturation Fest in Riverside, I will be at the Back to the Grind coffee house from 12 to 6pm selling Mr Toast stuff, doing drawings and just hanging out. Back to the Grind is at 3575 University Ave, so stop by if you are in the area.
Mr Toast fan, Ana Lopez, has put togeher a great little christmas movie using some of my comics and paintings. It is great fun, especially the crazy Shaky Bacon part in the middle. Thanks Ana!