Actually I love Harvey Comics covers from the 1960's. They are all about character and gag. Each character has their trait which is dealt with in a humorous fashion each month. What funny thing will Richie RIch do with money since he does not care about it or how will Little Dot obsess over dots this month. The stories inside are not nearly as satisfying as the covers but the cover is what sold a comic back then and these were the best.

Makes you wanna run right down to the 7-11 (or if you were in South Carolina in the '70's, Majik Market) and see what's new on the racks...THIS is the unfortunate casualty of direct market shopping; the youth market that got squeezed out to make more room for all those Rob Liefeld variant covers...
the little dot cover bouncing the ball is amazing!!!!!
I wanna be Dot.
i read each and every one of those comic books when i was growing up. cool stuff.
Sure brings back memories. I read many of these. I remember how vivid the concepts were on those Richie Rich comic covers.
These are great examples of clean clear design. More! How about some Baby Huey, a.k.a. Big Retarded Duck?
I also bought each and every Dot and Little Lotta comic book when I was a tyke.
Hi Dan,
I don't know if you or your other commenters are aware that I have a website devoted to Harvey and just recently published a book called "The Best of The Harveyville Fun Times!". You can read all about it at my website:
and you can join the Richie Rich's Vault Yahoo Group at:
Mark Arnold
Thanx, Beetle...I had all but purged the memory of that stupid character, and you had to bring him up......."Durrrrr...THE FOX!"
Can you imagine the uproar these days of a kids comic book featuring a devil? Ah, the good old days.
Ah yes...Richie Rich! It brings me back to the days...
I have to wonder if it was no coincidence that my blood pressure was lower, I skipped more, and laughed more quickly back when I read all these comic books instead of the news. Ah. Thanks for reviving the memories.
Well, Little Audrey's Panic Page is worth a mention...
Harvey Comics!
The cover art is fantastic! Really takes me back. I loved these when I was a kid.
Thanks a million for the best blog in the galaxy, Dan!
- Michael D
When I was younger I would go to the drug store and buy Richie Rich comic books. Funny to think about now.
Be safe...
WOW! Just seeing these covers brought back fond memories!
I used to read them in fourth grade...loved them!!! There was even a restaurant named little lotta near my place in those days that i used to frequent for their yummy chocolate milkshakes!
Back in the '60s, while everyone else was reading DC and Marvel comics, I practically inhaled all the Harvey comics. I was especially fond of Hot Stuff. And, oh, those special giant issues! I disagree with you on one point, however. The stories inside never did disappoint; they delivered what the enchanting covers promised.
does anybody know the name of the female versionofhot stuff?
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