Thanks to everyone who entered the Name the Candy Corn contest. The name that I liked the best was Cornelius which was submitted by my own Mom! Just to show that I am not just playing favorites, I am also awarding 5 honorable mentions to the names that almost made it - those were Clark, C.C., Charles Andrew Corn, Holly and George (which was actually mentioned twice so it goes to the first poster (sorry Patrick)). Each of the honorable mentions gets a Candy Corn doll of their choice and a few other goodies. Thanks to everyone for participating, it was a tough choice.
How very cool for a Monday!
How great that I won the contest to name the candy corn.
The funny thing is that Cornelius was on our short list of names when I was expecting you, but it lost out to Daniel.
PS (Just kidding)
Mom -
since you already have the dolls, I am sending you something special in the mail.......
Cool! Cornelius Ponemayer is the name of my character or Corn Pone for short. The name Cornelius gets far less action then it did 2 centuries ago.
Perhaps Cornelius could be your middle name Dan?
Great minds think alike.
Also if you were one of the winners and have not heard from me, send me an email - grickily@yahoo.com
Hey, I am leaving the comment here per your request. This is Bill.
Senormedia and Lucy-Anne - I need your emails so I can contact you about winning.
My "something special" arrived and is hanging right beside my desk.
Love the first painting of Cornelius and will treasure it always.
Hi Dan,
My vampire corn never arrived - I have a place of honor reserved for this Halloween!
Got it - thanks! The kids like it.
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