things that I collect, things that I make and things that I like.
Every couple years Warren Dotz and Masud Hussain put out another book of vintage ad character graphics. AD BOY is the latest volume. This one is bigger then the last book, Meet Mr Product, which makes it much nicer. So if you have not had your fill of cool and crazy ad characters, you should pick it up.
Candy Corn needs a proper name and I am asking for help. The less then creative name I am thinking about is Andy. But maybe you the blog reader can do better. Think of a name and post it in the comments section (put some way for me to contact you). If your name is picked you will get a Candy Corn prize package, including all 3 new Candy Corn dolls and a bunch of other fun stuff (value of prize over $50). Each person can suggest up to 3 names. I will decide next weekend and post the winning name on May 18th. And thanks for helping out.