North Pole NY Parade Float (click to see large)
This great photo shows a parade float for North Pole , NY. North Pole, NY was one of many Santa's Villages that sprang up in the 1950's. This great float has miniature versions of the buildings on it.
For more North Pole, NY
Nice! You really need to do a book on all the "Enchanted" & Santa's Villages....
I have pitched that book to a couple publishers but no one is biting....someday
Hi Dan
Do you know of a place called Safariland in Medina, Ohio? It was run by a guy named "Jungle Larry" Tetzlaff and his wife "Safari Jane". I've got a mint coloring book here signed by Jungle Larry himself that you can have if you could use it in your collection. It has nice drawings of Jungle Larry befriending pumas and pythons.
See ya
It is amazing what you find on Blogger when you search for information about patriotisism and flags. This is definitely an area where people have strong opinions. There should be a picture of the Blogger icon in the dictionary next to "free speach".
--Enjoyed your post....american flag star
My dad was Santa from some time in 1949 until probably 1951. We lived in the log cabin at the top of the "lower" parking lot. I have many fond memories of that time. Don Finleyson (sp) was also playing Santa and I think Dad became Old King Cole at some point. My brother and I would slide down the mountain to attend school in Wilimington!
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