I did not have the plesaure of seeing Colargol when I was a kid. The show was shown all over the world in the late 60's and 70's under different names (Jeremy in Canada and Barnaby in the UK) but didn't really make it to the US. But at this late date I was able to buy a second generation DVD off of ebay and it is well worth seeing. Great 1960's designed stop motion with some hand drawn elements. It really felt like it was coming from the same place as all the great Rankin Bass specials but with a special European feel. For more info search Google or read a great article by Jason Vanderhill in FPS Magazine online.
Wow! this looks very interesting indeed. I'd love to see a video of Colargol. Thanks for the link Dan.
yeah everyone should discover the joy of Colargol - and there is plenty of singing and dancing in the shows....
How could I get my hands on a copy of that DVD?? I would do pretty much anything!! Some of my best childhood memories are watching that darling bear Colargol. Please contact me at arodin_art@yahoo.no if you can halp me with a copy of that DVD:) Forever grateful, A. B. Nielsen:)
I saw the great colargol 30 years ago. It was pure and wonderful. Now i want my daughter to experience what I experienced. Please let me how can i get a dvd of colargol.
my web is http://www.myur.net or you can contact me at mustafa@myur.com.
Thank you so much.
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