Have a very Spooky & Safe Halloween!
things that I collect, things that I make and things that I like.
A few years ago at the flea market we came across a group of items all related to the production of some monster food products in the early 70's. There was art for a number of different frozen pop designs and even a Frankenstein's Monster fruit drink bottle. The last thing was a couple of uncut printers proofs of the final product that was made, Monster Freez'Ems from 1975. It is amazing to see the process from product conception to the actual product that was produced.
He may be talking about advertising but he is really talking about any creative endeavour.
Today we start in Avignon, the one time seat of the French Pope. This cool old bridge only goes half way across the river!
The fall leaves in France are much like the ones in the US.
This huge Roman aqueduct was built just to make sure that clean water was available in the local city.
The best lasagna ever.
The beach at Nice. Just check out that sky!
An exotic garden of succulents high above the Mediterranean Sea.
Fresh French cantalopes.
Well France has been fun but it is time to say goodbye.
Today I had the great pleasure of meeting and hanging out with Vicki & Michael who are collectively known as MEOMI. They were in town promoting their new Octonauts book, The Sea of Shade. Kind of like myself they are busy creating their own world in print and on the web. We talked about the twists and turns of trying to get stuff out into the world and trying to create a vision that draws on all that things we loved as kids.
It always inspires me in my work to meet like minded people who bring the same sort of do it yourself attitude to everything they do. I encourage everyone to check out both of the Octonauts books and if you are in San Francisco look out because they are headed your way for a bunch of great signings and events.
I will be making an appearance at Monkeyhouse Toys in Silverlake tomorrow, Sunday October 14th . I am packing up books to sign, a few t-shirts, dolls and buttons. I will be doing little watercolor drawings to give away. Also since Halloween is coming up I will be bringing along the ultimate Misfit Mr Toast doll. Instead of 2 arms and legs, he has 3 legs and 1 arm. Spooky and weird......
First find a big piece of cardboard.
Draw out an outline and then cut him out. I used an exacto kniife but scissors will also work. Kids ask your parents to help with this step.
Time to paint. Lay out newspapers so you don't make a big mess. You can get inexpensive paints at most craft stores. You will need tan, brown, black and white. I started with a white coat and then tan over that.
Use the brown to paint a crust on one side, black for the eyes and mouth and white to fill in the eyes. Before painting the eyes draw them on with pencil so you know where you want to paint.
You need to attach a string on the back so you can wear the costume. I took a second piece of cardboard and punched some holes in it to tie the string through. I then glued this on the back and tied off the string to adjust it for the correct height.
Cut a think slit right at the level of your eyes so that you can see out when you go trick or treating.
Now you just have to wait until Halloween.