My Mom was close friends of the Stovers (John & Virgie) in Columbus, OH. I remember the little gift shop where these miniatures were sold (I think it was on Lane Ave. in Arlington). Of course as a kid I thought these 'toys' were too cool! The Stovers are both deceased now. (My Mom's alive & kicking tho!)
Hello. I am Jack Stover's granddaughter. I am so happy to see so many of these miniatures that I do not own. My Grandfather had 3 daughters and that is why he started this company. The women that worked for him actually painted these miniatures by hand! The picture of the lady (Grandmother Stover) was my great grandmother. There are actually miniature framed pictures of my Mother and her 2 sisters that were part of his collection. Thanks for your interest in his collection. I wish I could talk to the anonymous person that stated their Mother was friends of my family. Please pass on if you have that information. Thanks, \ Kelly
My wife 7 I have her father's small miniatures pack like shown above this comment section.
Trying to find out how much is it worth. It is in the orginal package & looks like the examples shown. Has small music instruments & 2 records, a booklet inside the pack says "how to be a musician.
Not looking to do anything except what it is worth? He had this we think as a young boy & was born in 1921 & grew up in Akron Ohio. He passed away in 2002.
These are SO COOL!! I love Gorilla Girl...did you find them all at once or over the last 20 years one at a time?
That artwork is stunning! Any idea who did it...?
no idea but it seems very familiar
Amazing! Thanks again, Dan! Love this blog! Where'd you find these anyway? Is most of it flea mkt finds? Ebay?
- Michael D
i have bought most off ebay
My Mom was close friends of the Stovers (John & Virgie) in Columbus, OH. I remember the little gift shop where these miniatures were sold (I think it was on Lane Ave. in Arlington). Of course as a kid I thought these 'toys' were too cool! The Stovers are both deceased now. (My Mom's alive & kicking tho!)
Hello. I am Jack Stover's granddaughter. I am so happy to see so many of these miniatures that I do not own. My Grandfather had 3 daughters and that is why he started this company. The women that worked for him actually painted these miniatures by hand! The picture of the lady (Grandmother Stover) was my great grandmother. There are actually miniature framed pictures of my Mother and her 2 sisters that were part of his collection. Thanks for your interest in his collection. I wish I could talk to the anonymous person that stated their Mother was friends of my family. Please pass on if you have that information. Thanks,
\ Kelly
i like your blog. i have a site too about figurines & miniatures collecting
please visit. its nice i guarantee.
My wife 7 I have her father's small miniatures pack like shown above this comment section.
Trying to find out how much is it worth. It is in the orginal package & looks like the examples shown. Has small music instruments & 2 records, a booklet inside the pack says "how to be a musician.
Not looking to do anything except what it is worth? He had this we think as a young boy & was born in 1921 & grew up in Akron Ohio. He passed away in 2002.
In hopes that Kelly will contact me with more information about Jack Stover
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