This is me walking down the street carrying a handful of comics in 1974. Each week I would go to one of the local markets and spend my allowance on comics. These issues already seem a little beat up so I doubt I am just coming back from a store. I am probably coming back from one of friends houses, Jamie Ortiz or Brian Frasier. At this point in my life I probably only owned 20-30 comics. Many more years of collecting would lead to a collection of 8-10 thousand comics but I have cut it down to a more manageable quantity now.
Great walk down memory lane Dan!
I could probably find an almost identical picture from my childhood. Your story sounds very familiar also...I have paired down my collection but still need to clear about 10 more long boxes. Always enjoy your posts.
Waitaminnit! Isn't Brian Schroeder now known as XNO? Is it the same guy?
- The Evil Twin
I meant Brian Frasier - woops
Ah those were the days - great snaps!
I bet you're holding Marvel comics.
I most likely was doing the exact same thing.I didnt have alot of comics,but I distinctly remember buying my first Star wars comic around that age.
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