Well Mr Toast left his home here Los Angeles for the start of his Tour Across the USA. His first stop was sunny San Diego, California. His host was Kate, we will let her take over from here.....

"Hi! I'm Kate."

"Mr. Toast is here, Mr. Toast is finally here!"

"Mr. Toast's first day at work. It's ok, Mr. Toast. It's not fun for anyone. "

"Ready for the drive home?"

"Whew. Long day. Ready for bed?"

"School day. Mr Toast was a hit with the graphic design class."

"Ahh, sunset at Ocean Beach."

"Squeezin in some art"

"So many shoes, but none in Mr Toast's size."

"Farmers market. Stop and smell the rosemary."

"Tiki is not so sure about Mr Toast....."
Part 2 tomorrow