for sale in my Etsy store
things that I collect, things that I make and things that I like.
Well time is running out on Monkeyhouse Toys in Silverlake. Mayra, who runs Monkeyhouse, has been a huge supporter of Mr Toast for a long time. I am going to miss the wonderful, crazy store. She is closing up because her rent is going up but she is going to try to find a new location next year.
But she is still open this Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. As you can see from the photo their are still a few pieces of my artwork available for purchase.
Gallery 1988 is having a show which looks to the "classic" animated TV show Masters of the Universe for its inspiration. I did my take on He-Man but gave him the bacon treatment. The show opens Friday, January 8th from 7-10 PM and runs through January 28th. With over 100 artists, you can expect a wide array of artwork.
I just added this and a few other watercolors to my Etsy Store. There is still time to order before Christmas.....
1618 1/2 Silverlake Blvd
Silverlake, CA
This weekend is Unique LA. This is the final show I will be setting up at and I will have a full booth of toys, books, shirts, etc. Get your holiday Mr Toast shopping done early. Also check out the other 300 dealers!
So if you have time try to make it down to one of these fun shows.
This Saturday is DesignerCon. DesignerCon is a continuation of the Vinyl Toy Network show and will have 75+ dealers of cool stuff. The show is at the Pasadena Convention Center. I will be set up and have a special Luchador Toast, only 20 made, for $25.
Also at the show will be display of over 100 custom Yoka figures. I even made one.
So if you are in the Pasadena area on Saturday, stop by.
This is the final weekend of the Hello Kitty Show at Royal/T. I dropped off another batch of watercolors that will be for sale at the show.
They also produced a real nice catalog for the show. The very cool people at That's It Mommy Blog are running a contest to give away so visit their blog for a chance to win a copy!
I got invited to be in the Hello Kitty Anniversary Show at Royal/T. The show opened a few weeks ago and has been a madhouse. On November 7th, they are having a special Artists Party where many of the artists in the art show are going to appear. It is open to the public and starts at 7 PM. For this event I did 19 watercolors of Mr Toast and Friends with Hello Kitty and friends. These will be for sale at the show.
My friend Dallas was nice enough to design a custom Mr Toast Paper Toy. You can just print him out, carefully cut him out and glue him together. Check out more of Dallas paper toys at Monkey in a Dryer.
To download the toy just click on the image below and you will get a giant version which you can print out. If possible print out on thick paper or even cardstock.