Check out this amazing Mr Toast display at the Star Clipper comic store in St Louis, MO. Star Clipper is not just a comics store but also packed with Urban Vinyl, Japanese toys and books. Thanks Gregg for taking this cool photo.
things that I collect, things that I make and things that I like.
Check out this amazing Mr Toast display at the Star Clipper comic store in St Louis, MO. Star Clipper is not just a comics store but also packed with Urban Vinyl, Japanese toys and books. Thanks Gregg for taking this cool photo.
There is a lot going on this weekend. On Friday, I will be heading out to the CTN-Expo to check it out. Then Friday night at Munky King on Melrose is the Custom Sketchbot Show which I am in. My little guy is show above.
Last year Sanrio held a special Hello Kitty Show and Exhibition at Royal T. The show was such a success, they decided to do it again this year but even bigger and better. This year it is at the Barker hanger in Santa Monica and runs from November 12-21. There is an art show of 50 great artists and then 10 special mini exhibitions inside the show. I am one of the lucky 10 that has a mini exhibition.
So for the last 3 months I have been working on some special paintings. I can't show them just yet but they are a fun mash up of Sanrio characters and Mr Toast characters. I finished 6 of them, plus four paintings where I do a little take on just the Sanrio characters plus a bunch of mini watercolors. So below are a few of the mini watercolors, I will post more as the week goes on and then on Friday, I will post all the paintings. Enjoy, I have had a fun time doing these.