In celebration of Free Comic Day, I placed the whole contents of Imaginary Worlds Comics #1 on my Flickr page. Just click on the above image to go and read the whole comic for FREE!
things that I collect, things that I make and things that I like.
Well this will be our fourth year at the LA Times Festival of Books. Time sure flies. We are in the same booth as last year, #809, near the Target Kids Stage in Zone H! I have got tons of goodies packed up and ready to take to the show this Saturday. The show is on the UCLA campus and runs Saturday, April 24 from 10-6PM and Sunday, April 25 from 10-5PM.
Over at thinkgeek.com they listed a new product, My First Bacon. It was a talking doll but all it says is "I'm Bacon". I saw it this morning and said "Shaky has a new pal." Alas it was all an April Fool's Day joke. No such new product exists. But as a strange kind of fallout, I have been getting orders for Shaky dolls all day.....