I left this little sketchbook at my local post office yesterday. A guy found it the same day, figured out my address and popped it in the mail. I had not realized I had even lost it when it appeared in my PO Box today. People are cool.

things that I collect, things that I make and things that I like.
I just added some watercolors of Super Heros to my Etsy Store. Spidey Toast, The Human Toast and even Mr Torch as the Silver Surfer.
Mr Toast arrives and gets ready to head to Kentucky.
Here we see the Roebling Bridge (The same bridge in the film Rainman with Dustin Hoffman)
Crossing the bridge makes a humming sound.
Heading to Ludlow to find the Flying saucer house!
What would it be like to live in the flying saucer house?
Actually it is a Futuro House made in the 1970's.
The Bell tower in Covington.
The Anchor Grill for "Good Food".
Santa Claus is coming to town!
Mr. Toast loves the Green Derby.
Welcome to historic Newport, Kentucky.
The Peace Bell in Newport.
The 9-11 Firefighters Memorial.
The Majestic Show Boat on Ohio River.
Bobby Mackey's Honky Tonk (just like in film Urban Cowboy, they say it is haunted!)
Northern Kentucky University in Highland Heights
Dayton High School, home of the Green Devils!
Riverboat row near Belleview, KY.
We can see downtown Cincinnati across the river.
The McDonald bridge leading into KY (because it looks like a giant "M")
An old Kentucky school house near Alexandrea, KY.
Thanks Dennis for the nice tour of Kentucky, the Bluegrass State.
The new shipment of dolls came yesterday. I was down to about 50 dolls so they came just in time. They have new tags and are a little poofier.
I also got the shipment of Imaginary World Comics #2. It was quite a day for Mr Toast. Now I just have to find a place in my storage unit for all these boxes....