Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Mr Toast for Halloween

I was just looking around on Flickr and I found mypapercrane had made her kid a Stinky Cheese Man costume. So if anyone out there in the real world dresses up for Halloween as Mr Toast or any of my characters, they deserve a prize. Send me a picture of the costume and I will send you a Mr Toast doll, a mini comic and a sketch. It does not have to be elaborate and everyone that does it will win. So come on, who doesnt want to be a giant piece of toast for Halloween.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Mope in Space

I have had this round canvas laying around for a long time and so I decided to paint on it so it would stop bugging me. Painting is for sale in my Etsy store along with other Mr Toast goodies.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Pictoplasma Conference

Last week I had the good fortune to attend the Pictoplasma Conference in Berlin. I remember reading about the one they had in 2004 and so when I heard this one was coming up I bought my ticket and went.
The conference is a great way for artists that work in character design to connect, exchange ideas and learn about what is going on. It realy made me understand what I am trying to do by listening to many of the great speakers talk about the paths they have followed.
The stars of the whole conference were the guys from Friends with You. They have carefully blended pop culture with the fine arts world to create some of the most engaging work artwork in the world today. Their performance/presentation on Friday night was one of the high points of the conference.
Other stand out presentations were given by Ian Stevenson, Jon Burgerman & Sune Ehlers, Phillip Hunt, Akinori Oishi and Shoboshobo(my wife's new hero).
So now I am home and inspired. Time to get back to work.

Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Crazy Foam
Dot Dot Dash

Well Dot Dot Dash is out and boy is it amazing. 296 Pages with the work of almost 400 artists, it is really the ultimate contemporary 3D character design book. Vinyl, plush, resin, etc it is all in here and from all over the world. Most of the stuff in here I have never seen and it really blew me away. They even spent a couple pages on Mr Toast which I really appreciated. The book is just starting distribution in Europe and should be in the US in November. You can order it off Amazon for a super discounted rate. I was lucky enough to visit the DGV offices in Berlin and meet Matthias Hubner who was one of the editors. Now I just have to convince them to put out a book of Mr Toast art!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
sleepless in berlin

well we made it to berlin but our sleep schedules are all messed up. we had fun on the character walk on wednesday and saw the new book Dot Dot Dash which features 2 full pages of my stuff! it blew me away.
the first day of the conference was very cool with all the speakers intresting and cool. today we are sightseeing in the morning and back to the conference in the afternoon.
if you are looking for me I will be wearing a drunken carrot shirt today and green joe the egg on saturday also a grey cap with purple crown on it. say hi and get the super limited mr toast tours berlin button.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Japanese Kellogg's Article

My good friend Andrew from Old Man Musings found this incredible Japanese toy magazine that has an extensive article about Kellogg's cereal and Japan. They show tons of great boxes and R&L plastic premiums. In addition they talk about some of the US toys and premiums. I need to find more of those Japanese boxes....