The con was a complete success. I took the red eye Thursday night to arrive in NY Friday morning. A nice insane drive through rush hour traffic got me to the show about 10 AM leaving me 2 hours to set up. I had my own 10x10" booth so I hung shirts and signs on the back curtain and covered one table with comics, dolls, books, etc.
The show opened to the trade at noon and the public got in at 4 PM. By about 2 PM it had gotten busy and it never let up for the rest of the weekend. My friend Brian had come down from Pennsylvania on Friday to help out but I was on my own the other 2 days. From what I heard the show was so crowded on Saturday that they had to stop selling tickets and letting people in. A collector friend of mine Jim Rash tried to get in on Saturday but was turned away.
I met a ton of great people including Rebekah (see photo below) who is Mr Toast's new #1 fan. I got to talk to cool people from Del Rey Books, Nick Jr Magazine, IFC, Mirage Publishing, Capt Blue Hen Comics, CultureCatch, MOCCA, Harper Collins, American Greetings and so many others I am forgetting. Thanks to everyone that came.
This is the first show I have done with the Mr Toast dolls and they went over big. I sold over 100 dolls including every last small doll (even a few that has small fabric imperfections). A couple people told me that the dolls were the hit of the show. One person came by the booth on Sunday and said that they had seen someone on the subway with one and had to come get one for themselves! It is a small, strange and generally amazing world.