
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Dolly Madison Zingers

Peanuts Zingers boxPeanuts Zingers boxPeanuts Zingers boxPeanuts Zingers signPeanuts Zingers adPeanuts Halloween Zingers ad


  1. i heard some christmas vince Guaraldi today on the radio at work, when it was over i announced to the office "BROUGHT TO YOU BY DOLLY MADISON" only a small percentage of folks there knew what I was talking about, i'm afraid.

  2. LOL.............not only what amy beth said, but this also brings back memories of watching the CBS specials around Christmas with that "special" theme music just before the Peanuts cartoon would come on.

  3. My God, you've made my day a very happy one. Thankee kindly.

  4. I used to love those red zingers oh so so so very much. I don't think I could even eat an entire one nowadays.

  5. You brought back a sizable chunk of my childhood for the afternoon. You're a good man, Dan Goodsell.

  6. I had to beg my mom to buy the zingers with coconut topping. I was one of five kids and the only one that liked coconut.
